TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism:
Volume 11 (2006)

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Editorials and General Information for Readers

Obituary: J. Neville Birdsall


Wayne C. Kannaday, "Are Your Intentions Honorable?": Apologetic Interests and the Scribal Revision of Jesus in the Canonical Gospels

Abstract: Scribes working with New Testament MSS sometimes left "fingerprints" on the text that betray their particular theological interests, many of which were apologetic in nature.

Review Articles

Jan Krans, NA27 in SESB 1.0: A First Look

Abstract: The Stuttgart Elecronic Study Bible is a groundbreaking electronic publication. It contains the most widely used scholarly biblical texts, BHS and NA, as well as their critical apparatuses. In this extensive review article, Krans focuses on NA27, especially its critical apparatus, though he frequently draws BHS and its apparatus into the discussion as well. He asks this question: What are the possibilities, surprises, limitations, and future prospects of the implementation of NA27 in SESB 1.0?


One of the goals of TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism is to provide informative and timely reviews of books in the field of biblical textual criticism. Anyone who would like to suggest a book for review or who would like to volunteer to be a reviewer may contact the TC book review editor, Tobias Nicklas ( or the general editor, James R. Adair (

J. W. Childers and D. C. Parker, eds., Transmission and Reception: New Testament Text-Critical and Exegetical Studies (Tobias Nicklas, reviewer)

Chiara Nucci, ed., Pseudo Cipriano, Il Gioco dei dadi: Introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento. (Mauro Pesce, reviewer)

Josep Rius-Camps and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, The Message of Acts in Codex Bezae: A Comparison with the Alexandrian Tradition. Vol. 1: Acts 1.1-5.42: Jerusalem. (Tobias Nicklas, reviewer)

Peter Fiedler, Das Matthäusevangelium. (Tobias Nicklas, reviewer)

Albert Vanhoye, Structure and Message of the Epistle to the Hebrews (Vasilije Vranic, reviewer)